There is nothing quite like the view I have from my Skeeter SX240 tower boat. I love being up there, driving and looking for fish, and
fishing under the Skyway bridge in it is pretty darn cool. Check out "King for a Day" on Fox Sports Sun Friday morning at 9 a.m. (ET). We're hooking into big, smoker kingfish!
If you miss it tomorrow morning, then catch the replay on Sunday night at 9:30
p.m. and again Wednesday morning at 8:30 a.m. If you don't get Fox Sports Sun
on your TV, catch it on our YouTube channel Mondays at 7 p.m. (ET) . . . Mr. Producerman gets it up there for y'all
to watch, every Monday at 7 p.m.
Just pulled in off the water in the Everglades shooting with Capt. Brian Sanders. We got a show shot in one day! That always makes me, the producer and crew very happy . . . and considering it was the temperature of the surface of the sun out there, we're all very stoked! Came in, pulled the Skeeter out of the water and on to River Palm Cottages to meet up with and shoot a show with Capt. Mark Nichols - creator of DOA Lures. It's always a good time with Mark Nichols, and always a great stay at River Palm Cottages. Tune in later this season for both of these new episodes!
This weekend is a long holiday weekend for the 4th of July - Happy Birthday America! I'll be celebrating in my hometown of Cocoa Beach. There's nothing better (for me) than being on the Space Coast for this spectacular holiday. Lots going on around here on the beaches and the Port . . . check the schedules of fireworks, music, events on the Space Coast website.
Be safe on the water and on the land as y'all light up the sky with fireworks. Have a great time and be kind to one another!
Until next week . . . tight lines,

Just pulled in off the water in the Everglades shooting with Capt. Brian Sanders. We got a show shot in one day! That always makes me, the producer and crew very happy . . . and considering it was the temperature of the surface of the sun out there, we're all very stoked! Came in, pulled the Skeeter out of the water and on to River Palm Cottages to meet up with and shoot a show with Capt. Mark Nichols - creator of DOA Lures. It's always a good time with Mark Nichols, and always a great stay at River Palm Cottages. Tune in later this season for both of these new episodes!

This weekend is a long holiday weekend for the 4th of July - Happy Birthday America! I'll be celebrating in my hometown of Cocoa Beach. There's nothing better (for me) than being on the Space Coast for this spectacular holiday. Lots going on around here on the beaches and the Port . . . check the schedules of fireworks, music, events on the Space Coast website.
Be safe on the water and on the land as y'all light up the sky with fireworks. Have a great time and be kind to one another!
Until next week . . . tight lines,