"Beach Donkeys" is this week's episode . . . we shot it from Cape
Canaveral with Capt. Jim Ross. We always have fun when Capt. Jim's on
the Skeeter. And, like our notorious episode we did years ago, "Hour Jacks" we're catching big ol' Jacks again . . . this time we're also
catching Goliath Grouper and Bonita. Tune in tomorrow (Friday) at 9:00 a.m., Sunday at 9:30 p.m. or Wednesday at
7:00 a.m. on FOX Sun Sports for this week's episode "Beach Donkeys."
I'm heading back to Charleston next week. I'll be at the new
Field & Stream store opening
Thursday, August 27th from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Friday, August 28th from 11
a.m. - 4 p.m. Should be a lot of fun, and those stores are awesome! I could
spend all day in there shopping, looking at the amazing mounts they've got
everywhere and some of the stuff in there is just too good pass up! My buddy
from "Deadliest Catch," Capt. Wild Bill will also be there with me on
Friday, so stop in and say hey to both of us! Visit the
Field & Stream website for
details, directions and times. See y'all in Charleston!
Before I head out to Charleston though, we'll be shooting this season's
Season Finale episode for Addictive Fishing. Can't believe our 16th season
is a wrap already. Time sure does fly. I truly am thankful for all of our
sponsors, camera crew, producers and partners Kevin McCabe, Patrice McCabe
and my wife, Cari. We jumped on this crazy ride almost 17 years ago and
haven't looked back. Thanks to all of you Mogan Maniacs for tuning in each
week, keeping in touch on
Facebook, watching videos on
YouTube and
coming out to see me at
Dick's Sporting Goods appearances. I can't believe what a trip this has been!!
Until next week . . . tight lines,