
Capt Blair Wiggins Louisiana Redfish

Back from Louisiana y'all! One of the best places to fish and eat on this planet! Talk about good food, good friends, good fishing, and the oysters . . . holy moly! The crew and me set out right before Mother's Day for a week in Cajun Country, shooting shows and loading up the Engel. We got two episodes shot, then turned right around to head back home to be with our Moms and wives for Mother's Day. I came home with one of my Mom's favorite presents . . . fresh fish!

I loaded up the Engel with some of the biggest and best tasting oysters I've ever had. When we pulled back into Florida, first thing we do is bring the Skeeters and camera gear back to MPI studios. Trice had gotten wind that I was packed full of oysters and fresh snapper so she made me break it open and shuck a few right in the driveway. Don't know if she was happier to see us back safely or just happy to see all that fresh food. Ha! (don't blame her)

I love going down to Venice and Buras, Louisiana to see my good old friend Capt. Ryan Lambert. Y'all have probably seen Capt. Ryan on TV a thousand times, and that's for good reason. He's the go-to guy in those parts and Cajun Fishing Adventures is the place to stay. If Capt. Ryan's booked, he'll set you up with one of his Captains, and they'll set you up on some of the best fishing you can imagine. Awesome people, awesome place!

Cajun Fishing Adventures in Buras, Louisiana

Now that we're back and finally finished all those oysters, it's back to work. I'll be heading over to MPI studios again in Tampa to shoot some cool new web videos, Rig it Right segments and tips. Speaking of Tips, if you haven't checked out the AF YouTube channel yet for episodes, clips and tips you really need to. Here's a list of the top 5 tip clips right now on there:
Tune in tomorrow at 9:00 a.m., Sunday at 9:30 p.m. and Wednesday at 7:00 a.m. on Fox Sun Sports for "Roosevelt Remix." Last year we went fishing with Capt. Greg Snyder in Jensen Beach, and I caught the biggest snook of my life. I get to show you again, in this week's episode. Or, just check it out on AF's YouTube Channel. Watch it, share it and let us know what you think.

Y'all have a great weekend, be safe on the water. Okay, maybe I have just a couple of oysters left . . . bon appetite! 

Until next week . . . tight lines,
